Bargaining update: June 24th, 2021

Your Graduate Employees Union has ratified a tentative agreement with PSU (only members may participate in ratification votes, click here to become a member if you are not already).  All current contract protections will be extended for one year (through June 30, 2022).  We will have the following economic gains for the next three academic years:  

Academic Year 2021-2022

  • 100% fee remission of quarterly student fees (excl matriculation fee)
  • Minimum hourly rate: $17 
  • Cost of Living Adjustment: 1% 

Academic Year 2022-2023

  • 100% fee remission of quarterly student fees (excl matriculation fee) 
  • Minimum hourly rate: $18
  • Cost of Living Adjustment: 1.5%

Academic Year 2023-2024

  • 100% fee remission of quarterly student fees (excluding matriculation fee) 
  • Minimum hourly rate: $18.87
  • Cost of Living Adjustment: between a lower limit of 1.5% and upper limit of 3.5% based on CPI-W previous year average, released in November 

Visit our website for documentation of all current contract language. 

What happens next? 

This extension protects us for one more year, but this fall we will ramp up to bargain our full contract (excluding fees, minimum hourly rate, and COLA per above agreement) ahead of its new expiration date (June 30, 2022).  Other important issues will be on the table, including workload protections, length of appointment, and healthcare.  A successful bargain requires us coming together as a collective to improve our working conditions.  

We are still seeking a Vice President for Collective Bargaining to lead the Bargaining Team.  The Bargaining Team and Contract Action Teams are always open to members to join and build our next contract campaign.  Email or – the only requirement is a desire to make change in your workplace!

In solidarity,
The GEU Bargaining Team
Emily Leickly, GEU VP for Collective Bargaining
Nick Puczkowskyj, GEU President
Lauren McKinney, GEU Bargaining Team Member 
James DeLaney, GEU Bargaining Team Member
Bryan Lally, American Federation Teachers of Oregon Field Representative 

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