Bargaining Update: 2018-02-15

Hey folks,

We met with PSU admin last week for our first mediation session.  A whole lot happened, but we just don’t have time to write it up.  We’ve prepared counterproposals that make significant concessions, they’re linked below in a matrix format that includes our previous proposal, PSU’s most recent proposal, our current proposal, and some notes we’ve provided to explain why we proposed what we did.


Come to mediation tomorrow!  It’s now or never.  We’re meeting in MCB 316 (the Mt. Rainier room) from 9am to 4pm, and GEU will be providing free homemade lunch (vegan curry) at noon for _all observers_.


Tuition and Fee Remission Matrix 02.12.18_GEU

Complete Agreement Matrix 02.12.18

Work Life Balance Matrix 02.12

Health and Wellbeing Matrix 02.12.18

Professional Development Matrix 02.12.18

Transportation Matrix 02.12.18_GEU

Leave Matrix 02.12.18

Compensation Matrix 02.12.18


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