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Bargaining Update 05/09/2022

Today in bargaining we made our case about healthcare. The verdict: PSU’s student health plan is bad! We compared it to its equivalent at University of Oregon and OSU, and it is significantly worse in every dimension. Our premiums are up to 11 times higher than the competition, and our out-of-pocket maximum up to 7 times higher. We don’t get dental or eyecare, or options to buy insurance for our dependents.

TL;DR – we pay much more, for much less health coverage. For details, take a look at our slides HERE

We have proposed that PSU fully subsidize our plan, and collaborate with GEU to select better plan options for future years, with more and better coverage. Now we wait for a response! Keep coming to observe our sessions every Monday from 12-3pm and stay up to date! Check your email for the link!

Other topics

We also heard from Becca Lawrence, incoming Assistant VP for Equity and Compliance, about some of the challenges of dealing with equity complaints and investigations. Welcome to PSU, Becca! We appreciated hearing from you. Also, special thank you to our speaker on Healthcare, Glenn! We appreciate you so much!

Next week we will present our arguments about childcare! Join us!

Bargaining Update: 2018-02-16

At about 2:30am on Saturday morning, the GEU and PSU bargaining teams signed an outline of a complete economic agreement.

Here’s the gist:

  • 3-year contract, no reopeners

  • $184 one-time bonus for all GAs in the Spring, (equals 40% fee remission, before taxes).

  • Annual raises for everyone, based on the Portland-Vancouver-Salem CPIU, with a floor of 1.5% and a ceiling of 3.5% (same deal AAUP has)

  • 0.3 minimum FTE starting in the Fall, up from the current 0.15.

  • Increase to minimum hourly rate of 5.64% this summer, 3.33% in Fall 2018, 3.22% in Fall 2019, 3.19% in Fall 2020.  This (plus the new minimum FTE) takes the minimum monthly salary from $355/month now to $825/month in Fall 2020.

  • Mandatory fee subsidies (excluding matriculation fee) for all GAs at 45% starting Fall 2018, 60% starting Fall 2019, 80% starting Fall 2020

  • Joint health insurance working group empowered to access census, claims data, write requests for proposals, etc., which will produce a report just in time to inform the next round of contract negotiations.

Although this contract is a compromise, there is a lot to be proud of in the work that we ALL did to create a contract that sees immediate monetary benefits for GAs. To put this first contract into context, CGE’s first contract in 2001 established (regarding economic issues) only a minimum salary rate and an annual $330 per GA per year for health insurance (for more info on CGE’s contract evolution, click here). In addition to establishing a minimum salary rate and a working group to do the leg work for future health care coverage, our contract includes a Cost Of Living Adjustment (COLA), a minimum FTE, annual increases to the minimum salary rate, and a large percentage of fees remitted.

We’re working on an analysis of the total cost to PSU of the contract, and will send that information out when we have it.

Bargaining Impact Tool

Hey GMM friends, check out this cool tool:

Bargaining Impact Tool_GEU