Membership Bargaining Update: 7/8/22

Where’s the contract?

Hi GEU folks! You may be wondering, where is the new Graduate Assistant contract? As you may know our previous contract expired on June 30th. Well, contract bargaining is continuing into the summer as GEU negotiates at the table with admin for GA rights and support.

We’ve had minor successes with finding agreement with a couple articles, but major issues such as healthcare, union information rights, and reappointment guarantees are stalled, with admin largely rejecting our positions while offering nothing in return. They say:

No to healthcare – because helping GAs would be “inequitable.” They don’t plan to help anyone else, after all.

No to childcare – the administration outright refuses to negotiate on childcare benefits, forcing us to consider legal action to continue fighting for GAs with dependents.

No to union rights – if union leaders can’t reach our bargaining unit, we can’t help our bargaining unit. PSU refuses to comply with state law by providing member contact information.

If PSU won’t negotiate, what’s to be done?

Introducing the Contract Action Team!

It’s time to put more pressure on PSU away from the bargaining table. We’ve made our case for better treatment, but PSU’s administration doesn’t care about the needs of GAs – they’ll only respect our strength, and our strength is our members. It’s time for member action!

So our Grievance Officer emeritus, Sean Anderson, has stepped up to organize a new Contract Action Team (CAT). You’ll be hearing from us in these updates with calls to action: simple things that you can do to help show the administration we mean business. As much or as little as you can commit to, remember that the CAT is you.

Call to Action

First things first: please fill out our contract action availability form, found here: [Link], so that the CAT leadership can plan events for maximum pressure.

Then, mark your calendar for our first event: letter writing on July 20th in the GEU office. Enjoy some donuts and coffee while explaining to the university exactly why you care about our priority issues. We’ll handle postage! Or if you can’t make it, stay tuned, remote options will be announced soon. And of course, if you can attend bargaining sessions, come support your bargaining team first-hand.

The next session is on July 11th starting at 11 am. Join us at the zoom link:

Bargaining Update 05/09/2022

Today in bargaining we made our case about healthcare. The verdict: PSU’s student health plan is bad! We compared it to its equivalent at University of Oregon and OSU, and it is significantly worse in every dimension. Our premiums are up to 11 times higher than the competition, and our out-of-pocket maximum up to 7 times higher. We don’t get dental or eyecare, or options to buy insurance for our dependents.

TL;DR – we pay much more, for much less health coverage. For details, take a look at our slides HERE

We have proposed that PSU fully subsidize our plan, and collaborate with GEU to select better plan options for future years, with more and better coverage. Now we wait for a response! Keep coming to observe our sessions every Monday from 12-3pm and stay up to date! Check your email for the link!

Other topics

We also heard from Becca Lawrence, incoming Assistant VP for Equity and Compliance, about some of the challenges of dealing with equity complaints and investigations. Welcome to PSU, Becca! We appreciated hearing from you. Also, special thank you to our speaker on Healthcare, Glenn! We appreciate you so much!

Next week we will present our arguments about childcare! Join us!

Bargaining update: June 24th, 2021

Your Graduate Employees Union has ratified a tentative agreement with PSU (only members may participate in ratification votes, click here to become a member if you are not already).  All current contract protections will be extended for one year (through June 30, 2022).  We will have the following economic gains for the next three academic years:  

Academic Year 2021-2022

  • 100% fee remission of quarterly student fees (excl matriculation fee)
  • Minimum hourly rate: $17 
  • Cost of Living Adjustment: 1% 

Academic Year 2022-2023

  • 100% fee remission of quarterly student fees (excl matriculation fee) 
  • Minimum hourly rate: $18
  • Cost of Living Adjustment: 1.5%

Academic Year 2023-2024

  • 100% fee remission of quarterly student fees (excluding matriculation fee) 
  • Minimum hourly rate: $18.87
  • Cost of Living Adjustment: between a lower limit of 1.5% and upper limit of 3.5% based on CPI-W previous year average, released in November 

Visit our website for documentation of all current contract language. 

What happens next? 

This extension protects us for one more year, but this fall we will ramp up to bargain our full contract (excluding fees, minimum hourly rate, and COLA per above agreement) ahead of its new expiration date (June 30, 2022).  Other important issues will be on the table, including workload protections, length of appointment, and healthcare.  A successful bargain requires us coming together as a collective to improve our working conditions.  

We are still seeking a Vice President for Collective Bargaining to lead the Bargaining Team.  The Bargaining Team and Contract Action Teams are always open to members to join and build our next contract campaign.  Email or – the only requirement is a desire to make change in your workplace!

In solidarity,
The GEU Bargaining Team
Emily Leickly, GEU VP for Collective Bargaining
Nick Puczkowskyj, GEU President
Lauren McKinney, GEU Bargaining Team Member 
James DeLaney, GEU Bargaining Team Member
Bryan Lally, American Federation Teachers of Oregon Field Representative 

Bargaining update: May 28, 2021

Are you ready for some great news??? We got a deal!!!!

We reached a tentative agreement with PSU that extends our contract language for the three topics we have been bargaining over (fees, minimum hourly wage, and cost of living adjustment) from one year to three years, and gives us economic gains.  

Here it is: 

Academic Year 2021-2022: 

  • 100% fee remission of quarterly student fees (excludes matriculation fee) (previous contract: 80% fee remission, excl matriculation fee)
  • Minimum hourly rate: $17 (previous contract: $15.87)
  • Cost of Living Adjustment: 1% (previous contract: based on CPI-W previous year average, released in November)

Academic Year 2022-2023

  • 100% fee remission of quarterly student fees (excludes matriculation fee) 
  • Minimum hourly rate: $18
  • Cost of Living Adjustment: 1.5%

Academic Year 2023-2024

  • 100% fee remission of quarterly student fees (excludes matriculation fee) 
  • Minimum hourly rate: $18.87
  • Cost of Living Adjustment: between a lower limit of 1.5% and upper limit of 3.5% based on CPI-W previous year average, released in November 
    • Note: The CPI-W fluctuates, and has only been calculated above 3.5% in four months since January 2017 

Your bargaining team has been working diligently to lead us to this point, but we wouldn’t be looking at this deal without the support of our many GEU who members who joined Zoom this week to observe our bargaining sessions.  Showing the PSU administration that we are a collective force, ready to show up for our community and fight for economic justice, was instrumental in this process.  

Below are the teams celebrating reaching a tentative agreement – note this is only one of two Zoom pages of the teams and observers!!

What happens now? 

Ultimately, where we go from here us up to all of us – the members of the Graduate Employees Union.  Look for an invitation to a ratification vote event and celebration to follow! Your GEU Bargaining Team sees this deal as an important step to economic security for GAs at PSU, and a huge win given the last year of social, health, and economic uncertainty, and we recommend a YES vote. 

In solidarity,

The GEU Bargaining Team
Emily Leickly, GEU VP for Collective Bargaining
Nick Puczkowskyj, GEU President
Lauren McKinney, GEU Bargaining Team Member 
James DeLaney, GEU Bargaining Team Member
Bryan Lally, American Federation Teachers of Oregon Field Representative 

P.S. We are still seeking nominations for a GEU Vice President for Collective Bargaining.  See how happy Emily (our current VP Bargaining) looks in the upper left of that photo? That could be you next year! Join a team of passionate, committed, and fun fellow GAs on the GEU Executive Board as we prepare to bargain again! No experience required. Email Emily at with questions about the position, and to nominate yourself or someone else!

Bargaining update: FTE, hourly rates, and gross pay

Based on the GEU’s quarterly report, below are graphs representing the FTE, hourly rate, and monthly gross pay of GAs. It appears that PSU has saved lots of money in this academic year as the decline in the number of GAs is greater compared to changes in FTE and hourly rates.