Thanks once again for everyone who came to bargaining on Friday. Also a thank you to PSUFA as well.
We were able to TA two articles which had been sticking points for a while: Nondiscrimination, and Layoffs. In the layoff article we were able to assured that no one would be laid off due to low course enrollment and that in the rare event that a layoff occurs, all affected GAs would receive tuition remission for the term in which the layoff is to take effect.
The topics left on the table are:
- Union rights
- University rights
- Evaluations
- Grievance and Arbitration
- Academic freedom
- Intellectual property
- Past practices
As things stand, the University does not want to include an article that addresses academic freedom. We have shown them our letter of support from AAUP and hope that we will be able to discuss this very important topic.
Friday’s bargaining session is the last one of the term. We are hoping to finish as many of the non-economic articles as possible, however we don’t know right now if we can get all of these articles signed on Friday without making significant concessions, so we may need to schedule additional bargaining sessions. Come by on Friday at URBN 220, URBN 310 for caucuses 9am-4pm to stand together as GAs and demand the rights, information, and protections we deserve, and help the bargaining team finish the first half of this contract.