Membership Bargaining Update: 8/1/22

This Week

A tentative agreement on Article 9 (Discipline and Discharge) was reached between GEU and PSU pending final review and signatures! While it is always great to reach agreement and move things forward, we are far from done when it comes to healthcare and reappointment rights. 

This week, GEU presented our updated proposal on Articles 17 (Appointments) and 21 (Health and Wellbeing) which include more accountability for departments not offering GAs reappointment, subsidized health insurance for GAs, and a response to PSU’s proposal for yet another taskforce to tell us what we already know: GAs need affordable healthcare NOW.

Next Week

PSU will be bringing their counter proposals on Articles 17 and 21. Based on what we have seen so far, we are anticipating they will bring more “creative solutions” without much weight or meaningful impact for GAs who already struggle to maintain financial stability and afford healthcare.

What You Can Do!

First, take a break from hearing about PSU’s refusal to give GAs what they deserve and come hang out with the GEU bargaining team! Meet your fellow GEU members and enjoy free appetizers and free GEU swag on the back patio at Rogue Hall this Thursday from 4pm-7pm!

Thursday, August 4th


Rogue Hall

1717 SW Park Ave, Portland, OR 97201

Next, be sure to come to next Monday’s bargaining session from 11am-3pm and observe PSU’s latest proposals on healthcare and reappointment rights.

Think you’ll be impressed with what they have to offer? We don’t either, but showing up tells PSU that GAs are serious about getting the healthcare support we deserve!

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