On Friday, May 26th, we met with Administration Team, presenting language on Evaluations, Strike/Lockout, Union Rights, and Layoff. The only remaining non-economic article we have yet to present is Intellectual Property, which we’re redrafting in response to PSU’s recent draft policy on Copyright Ownership. Admin sought clarification regarding our most recent proposal on Grievance and Arbitration, and will be countering on Friday. Admin also presented a counter on Non-Discrimination, maintaining their position that discrimination based on legally protected classes should not be grievable under our contract.
We signed a TA on No Strike/Lockout. This section includes a definition of what a strike is and our ability to strike, all of which is defined by Oregon law. This section also addresses the ability and limitations for the University to change our work duties when other bargaining units are striking. The article includes a limited carve out preventing e.g. a GA whose duties do not already include lecturing from being required by the University to cover lectures for a faculty member who is on strike.
We raised the topics of Academic Freedom and Past Practices once again, but have yet to get meaningful traction beyond admin’s agreement to discuss.