Welcome to Spring Term, GEU! We hope you all had the opportunity to travel to fun, sunny, and warm places.
On Friday, our bargaining team had our first bargaining session after spring break. Each team came to the session with multiple new articles and counter proposals from past sessions. Our team introduced proposals on evaluation, discipline & discharge, and a proposal on grievances & arbitration. Administration presented university rights, layoff, and personnel files.
We also presented another counterproposal on appointments. While this is one of the most complex articles we have, each proposal we are getting closer to finishing this article. However, the tension in the room keeps increasing. The Administration Team repeatedly pushed back on several items:
- An employee deserves to be notified when they do not get selected for a position or they are not renewed.
- That employing units will not replace GA positions with hourly positions, except in emergency situations.
Good news though: it seems we have reached shared language and are in agreement on most of the workload and summer session articles. We plan on signing these articles once we have reached shared language on appointments.
This process is slow going, but we are working hard to complete this collective bargaining agreement as soon as possible. How can you help? Come observe bargaining on Friday in the Market Center Building room 651, anytime from 9am – 4pm.