Bargaining Update, January 13th

Today, January 13th, we met with the PSU Administration team for several hours. We focused on our underlying interests for a variety topics for which we decided on last session. The interests we brought forth arose from responses to surveys and conversations with the membership.

During the session, we again pushed for the basic information we need to represent our members and received only part of the information. We are still waiting on information, but we are expecting more in the coming week.

On January 23rd, we will be starting to discuss contract provisions about employee evaluations for graduate assistants. This could include access to evaluations, understanding evaluation metrics, transparency in the process, completeness of records used in and about evaluations, and timely notifications of evaluations. We hope anyone and everyone interested in the topic, or bargaining in general, will come observe the session! Follow this link to let us know you are coming!

In solidarity,

The GEU Bargaining Team – Andrés, Emily, Forrest, Neal, and Ted

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